Hi Guys,

Many people ask me – so what do you do for your clients?  I could be here answering that all day.  But I thought perhaps the best thing would be to make a simple list of the types of queries I hear from new clients on a regular basis.  The common HR questions that make you want to lift up the phone or drop me an email.  So here goes:

Some of the most common questions small business owners ask me are: 

  • Do my staff need contracts? 
  • What HR policies do I need? 
  • I only have part-time and casual staff, do I need to issue contracts? 
  • How do I calculate holiday pay? 
  • What is probation and how I use it in my business? 
  • How do I handle an employee with terrible timekeeping? 
  • I think I might have a disciplinary case but I am not sure? 
  • How do I conduct an investigation? 
  • How do I issue a formal warning to staff? 
  • I am the only manager – how do I investigate and issue a warning? 
  • How do I know I am doing it right? 
  • What can I do when I have an employee who is just not doing what I need them to do? 
  • I suspect one of my employees is stealing from me? 
  • How do I stop an employee from opening up their own business in competition with me? 


To name just a few! This list is never ending and believe me after 20 years in HR I could write a book!  But I don’t want to bore you (well not unless Hay House come knocking with an amazing offer ?).   

But back to my blog…. 

The important thing I tell my clients is that there is never a stupid question and I would much rather they ask me rather than trying to sort it themselves and unwittingly make things worse! 

So does any of this sound familiar to you?   

Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions?    

If so drop a comment below and let me answer your question for you.  

Or if you have one of these questions burning in your head right now get in touch here to book an online call and let me make HR easy for you!  

Until next time

Johanna xo

Making HR Easy for Small Business

Disclaimer (otherwise known as things the solicitors make me say)

  • NB:  information correct at time of posting. 
  • Content is not provided as legal advice and/or information. 
  • The content is for your guidance in general situations only. 
  • Professional and/or legal advice should be sought before use.
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