Being the Boss

Being the Boss

Truth time   If you own a business and employ staff – you are the boss.    Yes you can be friendly, in-fact having good relationships built on trust is key to a happy workplace.    But that doesn’t mean you can shy away from making difficult decisions, because...
My Mission: HR Made Easy

My Mission: HR Made Easy

HR Made Easy That is my mission. All too often I see small business owners tie themselves in knots with worry and fear all because they anticipate the worst. From experience, from a HR perspective, when a business owner gets two things right – they make life...
Unique Situations call for Unique Solutions

Unique Situations call for Unique Solutions

Unique that is the word I have chosen to describe these times we are living in⁣ ⁣ I don’t like the negative conotations of the word lockdown, so I have reframed it 🌟 ⁣ ⁣ As well as finding the positive in difficult times I have been using the quietness of this unique...
The difference 4 weeks makes

The difference 4 weeks makes

My lockdown started on 2 March when I had my surgery so what do I know 4 weeks in? ⁣ ⁣ Nothing is guaranteed.⁣ ⁣ My Plan:⁣ * during my 10-12 weeks recovery I would take 1-6 weeks on complete rest.⁣ * I would be at home, alone from 8am until 4pm and I could move from...
Meet Johanna – Your HR Helper

Meet Johanna – Your HR Helper

Hi Guys I know many of you have been with me for years.  But there are lots of new visitors to the site so I thought as this is a new start (#projectrebrand) it would be useful if I reintroduced myself to you all. So who am I? I am a HR professional with 20 years...
HR Made Easy

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