My lockdown started on 2 March when I had my surgery so what do I know 4 weeks in? ⁣

Nothing is guaranteed.⁣

My Plan:⁣
* during my 10-12 weeks recovery I would take 1-6 weeks on complete rest.⁣
* I would be at home, alone from 8am until 4pm and I could move from bed to sofa without guilt. * 4-8pm I could use my energy for my family, put on a brave face and be there for them. ⁣
* Wks 6-10 would be gently easing back into work by using 1-2 hours a day on the laptop building my new service to be ready to be launched when I returned at 12 weeks. ⁣

My reality ⁣
*wks 2-4 my family would join me in complete lockdown⁣
*torn with guilt that I couldn’t share the household burden with my husband during this CV crisis⁣
*torn with guilt that I couldn’t do fun workouts with kids because I can’t kick a ball or even touch my toes . ⁣
*torn with guilt that I wasn’t well enough to help my clients with HR when they needed me most⁣

So what to do? ⁣

“Plan A is not an option so let’s kick the **** out of Plan B⁣” Cheryl Sandberg

My focus is to recover well, get fit and healthy so that I can go back to helping my hubby, kids, family/friends and clients. That is my only goal. Until last week felt very guilty about that, but after a weekend of soul searching I realise that is my most important work and priority for the next while and it is vital I give it 100%⁣

These are crazy times …. I am just trying not to let my mind go crazy as well. ⁣

New month. New mission. Get well.⁣

Hope everyone else out there is adjusting to our new normal.⁣

Stay safe in body and mind . ⁣

Until next time


Serving small business owners who want HR made easy.

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