I am finally able to share publicly some exciting news I have been holding onto since the summer. I am very proud and delighted to announce that I will be working in partnership with Enterprise NI as the Lead People Delivery Partner on their amazing new Generate Programme. Under the stewardship of Michael McQuillan, CEO, the mission of the ENI Generate programme is to deliver Impactful Business Learning. It is a Northern Ireland wide enterprise development framework comprising of quality approved, fit for purpose workshops and learning services.

Generate will provide access to short focused workshops and learning services designed to enable participants to improve profitability, enhance efficiency and productivity and to make their business lives easier and enjoyable. Timely and relevant subjects will be covered under the key business categories – Marketing, Finance, People, Sales & Exporting and Embracing Technology.

As the People lead, I will be travelling across NI to deliver half day workshops to small businesses across the Local Enterprise Agency (LEA) network. The first workshop I will be leading is my Introduction to HR for first time business owners.

Who is this training for?

This three-hour interactive training event has been designed and created specifically for first-time employers and start-ups often called “microemployers” with typically with less than five employees. This is for you if you are planning to recruit your first employee; or maybe you have inherited the business .. but you know nothing about HR or managing staff! Or perhaps you just want a fresh start to get rid of the bad practices you have let creep in and need to focus on how you manage your staff.

Either way this is the training course for you. Simple, straight forward effective training with practical implementation support that you can take away and implement in your business today.

Why should you attend?

In this focused training session, I will explain the basic HR concepts and foundation processes that you must implement in order to protect your business but also honour your statutory duties to your employees. Drawing on my 20 plus years professional experience, using real life examples and case studies I will show you how HR does not have to be confusing or scary.

This is for you if you are a business owners who due to success and growth, has expanded to employ staff. Things were going well but recently “staff issues” have become more and more of a burden ending up on your desk. From understanding what to include in an employment contract to knowing what to do when an employee has a timekeeping issue you find yourself spending more time dealing with these “staff issues” than you do anything else. Now is the time to get professional HR training, don’t put your business at risk by relying on google and information from friends.

You will leave the training with a practical to do list with actionable steps that you can put in place in your business right away. Don’t spend any longer with your head in the sand – you are an employer now so time to get HR in place.

The first three dates for my workshops have just been confirmed:

  • 12 November in City East Enterprise Park, Belfast
  • 5 December in Armagh Business Centre
  • 16 January in Ballymena Business Centre

If you are interested in attending my session or any of the sessions being delivered by Generate then just click the link below to book your place. More locations and dates will be added for 2020 as well.

Feel free to share this information with any business owners you may know who need some help to make HR easy in their life!

Until next time

Johanna xo

Serving small business owners who want HR made easy

#generate #businesslearning


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Disclaimer (otherwise known as things the solicitors make me say)
NB:  information correct at time of posting.  Content is not provided as legal advice and/or information.  The content is for your guidance in general situations only.  Professional and/or legal advice should be sought before use.


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