HR Made Easy

That is my mission.

All too often I see small business owners tie themselves in knots with worry and fear all because they anticipate the worst.

From experience, from a HR perspective, when a business owner gets two things right – they make life easier for themselves.

The two things?

#1 Foundations

in other words, staff contracts and policies and procedures. No one wants to be the “rule person” but without rules or structure chaos ensues and relationships are damaged. We all need boundaries. Staff contracts & HR policies put those boundaries in place.
Like a parent telling a child they must wear a helmut when riding their bike. The rule is clear and understood.

#2 Honest Communication

This must go both ways. Be honest with your staff, but also be ready and able to accept honest feedback from them too. My motto is always “start the conversation”. A lot of the time we don’t know all the answers right now or we can’t see the future inside a glass ball. But ignoring the need for a discussion spells disaster in the work relationship. You know diffilculites are coming down the line… so do the easy things now in preparation for that.
Right now business owners and staff are facing uncertainty like never before. Whatever your situation, whether you are planning a re-open or unfortunately you are planning a closure. Understand your obligations, put the foundations in place and start the conversation.

Until next time


Serving small business owners who want HR made easy.

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