I hadn’t realised how much I have missed having this space to work from. 🤷‍♀️⁣

I’m glad hubby has been able to use it during lockdown when he was working and I was recovering. ⁣

But now schools out for summer and I can claim my space guilt free 🙌⁣

I’ll be honest and admit that my mojo has been missing these past few weeks. Right now I can’t quite put my finger on why that was, but I know enough about motivation to know that my environment plays a huge part in my mindset. ⁣

So last week with most of Northern Ireland businesses taking holiday time, I took a much needed break from work and social media. We had a wonderful week of family time. Boy was it needed ❤️⁣

This week we still have family plans but also work plans. Yesterday I was at this desk from 10am until 9:30pm …⁣

✅ clearing over 800 emails in my inbox that needed to be sorted into folders⁣
✅ reorganising my digital files, archiving old work⁣
✅ setting up new systems for time tracking and invoicing
✅ onboarding a new client ⁣

This morning, I feel so much lighter and calmer knowing that all that clutter …. physical ….. digital and emotional has been cleared 🌟

Much as I loved sharing the kitchen table with the little Scullions during homeschooling, I am crossing everything that in September they will be happy in school and I’ll be working again at my desk.⁣

In other news, over the past few months I have been working behind the scenes (slowly but still working) on my new website rebrand. I can’t wait to show you 😁 but that is for another day.⁣

Anyone else feel the same after lockdown? ⁣

What have you done to declutter or reclaim your motivation? ⁣

I’d love to hear your ideas?Serving small business owners who want HR made easy.

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