2020 hasn’t turned out the way we planned….. and I love to plan! ⁣

But one of my favourite quotes is “life is 20% of what happens to you and 80% of how you respond to it” ⁣

So with that in mind, I have been spending July reviewing, reassessing and planning …. yes planning! 👌🏻⁣

Just because the plans I made in January have changed, doesn’t mean my goals and aspirations have gone away. I just need to reassess and realign for where I am now, where the world is now in the last week of July 2020. ⁣

We still have 5 months left of 2020, so here is my tip. ⁣

🌟 Buy a new planner to create clean space for your new goals and plans⁣ (mine is from @carrie.co )
🌟 Buy a new notebook … fresh pages feel so good
🌟 Spend time with yourself and think about your goals⁣
🌟 If your January goals still matter to you, take time this week to realign them to where we are now. ⁣
🌟 Promise yourself you will welcome August with excitement and make plans to reach those goals ⁣

We got this …. 2020 is not over yet! ⁣

If you want help reassessing your goals and making plans for 2020 then this might be of interest to you. ⁣

I am going to run an online version of my ⁣

🌟 Review 🌟 Reassess 🌟 Realign goal planning and success mindset training ⁣

to be involved just send me a dm. ⁣

Don’t forget to follow me on social media too:

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