What is it?⁣

This video explains how to use our free HR template that can be used either as an email or a letter to explain to a candidate that their application has not been shortlisted to progress to the next stage of the recruitment campaign. ⁣

Why should you use it?⁣

This template makes the end of the journey for any applicant who does not progress to interview. Not only is it good practice to follow up on all applications it is also good manners to let applicants know if they have not been selected to attend for interview. ⁣

As with all of our free recruitment templates this can be personalised in a couple of minutes. The template:⁣
* clarifies that a shortlisting exercise has taken place and that the candidate has not been successful⁣
* explains that the candidate will not be invited to interview ⁣
* enhances the company’s professional reputation by ensuring the candidate has been communicated with clearly and there is a clear audit trail of the applicant’s journey in the recruitment process. ⁣

What next? ⁣

* * Sign up to receive the free template here (as part of the 14 day mini series) https://mailchi.mp/johannascullion.co…⁣

I hope you found this useful and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. ⁣

Until next time ⁣

Johanna xo



Serving small business owners who want HR made easy.

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