The sun is shining and it is a glorious day ☀️⁣

My walk is done so this is where you will find me for the next hour, re-reading my favourite business book Chillpreneur from @denisedt

Reading chillpreneur on the hammock … doesn’t get any better! ⁣

But seriously if you are in business, especially on your own, you need people to look up to and people who inspire you. I love Denise DT and have been a follower of her for years. Just 7 months ago I got to spend a day in London work-shopping with her and 200 other women. I also got my book signed and a hug 🤗 I actually met one of my heroes it was a great day.

After spending the last two weeks helping small business owners plan their return to the workplace in Covid19 I am now going to turn my attention to my own business. I know where I want to go with it and have big, scary dreams of how I want my business to look in 12 months time. ⁣

So I am going to dive into this wonderful book and get inspired and be ready to hit Monday with loads of action.⁣

Anyone else got a favourite business book they return to again and again? I’d love to hear what works for you? ⁣

I am off to be a #chillpreneuer in my hammock⁣.

For those asking the stand is called “the smile stand” because it does look like a smile 😃 Our hammock is a double called “fly me to the moon” from a company called #hammockology based in Cork. We have it four years and it was an excellent buy 👌🏻

Until next time


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