HR Made Easy

Digital Download Disclaimer

Nothing in any of our digital download document bundles or packages constitutes legal advice as it includes template documents and training sessions and as such, is not regulated.

I am not acting as your solicitor or HR Consultant and cannot provide you with any bespoke legal advice.

Template documents are by their nature inherently risky as they have not been drafted with your particular circumstances in mind.

However the vastly reduced price of a template document compared to a bespoke document reflects that risk and will protect your business more than not having any document in place.

As we do not know your individual circumstances, we will not be liable for any matter arising out of your use of this digital download bundle.

The only support that is included in the price of the Digital Download Bundle is technical support if you have problems downloading and saving the documents or viewing any associated videos.

The templates and information contained in the Digital Download Bundle will help you to become compliant with regards to creating and issuing standard terms and conditions of employment – if you are purchasing from a country outside of Northern Ireland, then it may be that other laws impact on employment legislation and the Digital Download Bundle does not cover any such other laws.

© 2020 Johanna Scullion. All Rights Reserved

HR Made Easy

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